Coaching - what is it and how can it help me?
Helping women find
insight, direction and action
to respond to life’s challenges with faith and purpose
Clarity for the ministry wife
Help to heal from sexual betrayal
Help to resolve a conflict
Lean into the role that's uniquely you! The "ministry wife" role comes with a carpet bag of expectations and often without anyone appropriate to talk to about hard stuff. With decades of experience as a ministry wife, I get where you're coming from!
Wisdom when your husband has been keeping secret sexual behaviour from you. I specialise in helping partners recover from discovery of an affair or living in relationship with a person with compulsive problematic sexual behaviours. Hope is here for your hurting heart.
Respond to conflict with confidence!
Whether you are a conflict avoider or conflict stirrer, conflict can be a God-given opportunity to press into growth and maturity and more authentic relationships.
You want what God wants more than anything else. Your heart yearns for him to rescue you from your distress or write a message in the sky that will tell you what to do. But no message comes and you feel stuck. Overwhelmed. Stressed. Bored. Uncertain.
Here’s an invitation to step onto a pathway that removes barriers, creates options and actively moves towards the better relationships, personal healing, growth and effectiveness you long for. Coaching helps you connect the dots to find true wisdom and map proactive steps towards your goals.
I believe God made you to flourish. Contact me to begin the journey to figure out how.
Hello! I’m Jane Gibb, the founder of Quiet Wisdom. The name "Quiet Wisdom” reflects the lifelong longing of my own heart to hear God’s voice and follow him. I first heard the whisper of his “still small voice” as a child and have been a follower ever since. The twists and turns of my pathway have yielded both joy and sorrow, peace and struggle. In lament, in learning, in the richness and messiness and losses of life, God has stayed with me and kept me. I love to feel the wind in my face, to be enveloped in sunset beauty, to loll in the gentle swell of a calm ocean, to have my heart warmed by wise words on a page.
Sitting with women mourning the discovery of their husband’s sexual infidelity is a sacred space. As a group facilitator and coach, I hold out hope that darkness will not have the final word and that pain can be redeemed.
As a conflict coach and mediator, I come alongside people in the pain of relationship breakdown with compassion and skill, and creating space for personal processing and productive conversations.
Steve and I have been married over 30 years, serving in ministry together for most of those years. Our six children, their spouses and now a growing tribe of grandchildren enjoy getting together for “fam dins” (family meals) and family holidays.
Although we might prefer to have clear writing in the sky when making important life decisions, these moments are more often filled with confusion, doubt and overwhelm. Coaching with Jane provided a safe space for me to process and debrief through my current circumstances and resulted in further clarity and wisdom to pursue a certain path. Times of transition can be difficult to navigate, and I appreciate being able to journey through this path with a kind, empathetic and affirming guide.
Cristy, pastor's wife and counsellor
I’m so thankful for Jane’s coaching. She listens first and then asks targeted questions that expose all the things underlying the issue at hand. Without doubt Jane is very gifted at asking specific questions that guide me in how to better think about what is going on, giving me a more heavenly perspective, and how I can respond well in light of the situation. Most importantly, Jane always points me back to Christ. After each session I’m refreshed and have a plan of how to move forward. She has been a huge help to me personally and I know anyone who is seeking wisdom will be greatly blessed by time with Jane.
Neena, registered nurse and youth group leader
I came to Jane with many burdens in my heart and she was able to help me identify my main concern and come up with actionable steps that are helpful and biblical. She has helped me set boundaries and has been an encouragement to me in my fight against anxiety and issues of self worth within the workplace